Sunday, January 29, 2012

Iz kid down for the second time this month

At the beginning of January (Jan. 6-9Th to be exact), Isabella had a fever of 102 for four straight days. I took her to the doctor and he prescribed amoxicillian, in which she took for 10 days starting on the 10Th of January. So she took this prescription until the 19Th of January.
On Friday, January 27Th (7 days later), I received a call from the school that Isabella had 102 fever and we needed to pick her up. On the 28Th and 29Th, her fever has been 103. After a conversation with my mother on Saturday, I had decided it was time to make an emergency call to our doctor. I left a voicemail and he called me back with the explanation that we should "wait it out." I was not happy with him. Shocker.
It was then that I got really firm and said, "Listen, I am not a doctor, but there is clearly something wrong here." Perhaps the amox didn't clear whatever she had up the first time. Or perhaps amox does nothing for her. But she should NOT have a fever of 103.4! At some points, her coloring was really off as well.
In any case, he prescribed a new medication for her to take for 14 days. Amox plus something else that is a little stronger. I vaguely remembering this happening to her last year? I am going to call on Monday when the office is open and inquire about her drug history - so I know for future if Amox works or not for her.
Hopefully, little Iz kid will start feeling better soon. She has been up every couple of hours every night, no eating, no playing and not her usually spunky self.
Feel better Iz kid and I hope you stay healthy Baby G. And thanks to you - you know who you are. For giving me that little talk or push that I needed to be firmer.

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