Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Wagon Ride

For Christmas, the girls received their very own red wagon from grandma and grandpa. And what a great gift that will last for years and years to come! Today, they said it was going to be 60 degrees outside. They were wrong about their forecast, however I did take the girls on a wagon ride to enjoy some warmer weather.
At first, I had both girls in and they were enjoying a nice ride. Then Isabella told me she wanted to pull Baby G. And she did....she pulled Baby G all the way home. About a half of a mile or so. All in all, we were out there for about 30 minutes. Needless to say, they enjoyed themselves so much that it has been 3 hours, and they are both still SLEEPING. What a GREAT wagon. It has magic powers to make kids sleep longer.....awesome!!

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