Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break

I can remember when spring break used to be filled with sunshine, bikini's, a few cocktails and good times with good friends.
Now, I spend spring break loving up on my two girls creating memories with them. This week marks spring break for all the kiddos and today we ventured off to the Shedd Aquarium. We ventured off to the big city with the neighbors in their mini van and when we got there, it was an hour and a half long line to get into the entrance. Good thing I packed a bag FULL of snacks because I needed them! Once we got in, it was a madhouse. My neighbor joked that I should get a job there because everyone kept coming up to me asking questions about the Shedd. Then, as my dad would say...the "ROSES" effect happened. After all that waiting and trying to keep two kiddos under my belt, a lady walked up to me and handed me a ticket for all of the attractions - which cost $37.50! She said, here honey, I am not going to use this ticket, and I would really like for you to have it. What an angel she was to walk up to me out of a line full of people. I felt so lucky! So we got into the Shedd for free, or at least I did, because the kids were already free.
We saw turtles, lobster, fish, jellyfish, penguins, you name it, we saw it. Isabella even got her face painted with a mermaid. Both girls rocked out the entire day without a nap. Their gonna sleep like babies tonight.

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