Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What a GREAT 30th Birthday Party!

Started off with Isabella Marie coming down the stairs singing me HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Today I am 3 she tells me. Well, I certainly don't want to be 3 again, but I loved 23! That was my favorite age. Giselle just smiled at me all day. Baxie looked at me funny.
Then Soupy came over with breakfast, her SMILE and a beautiful card, a memory and a special gift. Followed by my father paying a visit with a very special, super yummy ice-cream cake! What a surprise! And such a TREAT. A beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky and LOTS of sunshine. While the girls were playing, I got to rip out 4 thorn bushes and burn lots of leaves. No more skinning up my legs in the summer as I water my plants.
Their nap time brought a chance for me to read a magazine in the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine. The birds singing. The flowers budding. Betty Jean was smiling down at me from up above. And I embraced every single minute of it.

To my surprise, Bob popped home in between meetings and brought sushi, a cake from the bakery, flowers, balloons and gifts! YUM! Homemade gifts from my super sweet sister, niece and brother in law and a card to melt my heart. A funny card from my mother & father and law and meg followed by a great gift.
Bob leaves for work again and the doorbell rings. An edible arrangement delivered from my friend Monica with balloons. I put the kids to bed and think AH, what a PERFECT day to turn 30. Perhaps I will take a jacuzzi and relax with a few bubbles and turn in for the night. Neighbor calls and comes over with a few other neighbors with sangria, cards and gifts. Whew! On Sunday, my brother and law and sister surprised me with a cake and presents. What a day I say! And I can't wait to see what 31 brings.
Today I went to work and was treated to lunch by my boss and co-workers, ice cream, cards and more gifts. How special I feel! Thank YOU ALL for making me feel like a million bucks. I certainly enjoy bringing a SMILE to all of your faces each and every moment I get - BUT YOU ALL HAVE ME GLOWING. And I couldn't be more THANKFUL. LOVE YOU. XOXOXOOX

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