Thursday, May 17, 2012

Buckets, Mowing Lawn, Big Shoes or READING?

Talking to a friend the other day, she asked me..... "Do you read?" Well of course I read was my response! She said, "Sandy, I am reading this really great book called Fifty Shades of Grey. YOU HAVE GOT TO READ IT. My response to her was....about 50% of american women are reading that series right now!! Or so I hear. And I hear it's pretty SEXY. The book is so HOT they can't even keep it on the shelves of the store. Women can't seem to put the book down. I say to her....Girl, I certainly don't need that book. For all of you who don't know about the series, it can be described as very erotic, amusing, and deeply moving. If I want to be erotic, I don't need a book to feel excited. We will make it happen. And deeply amusing? I get that spontaneously on a daily basis with my girls without even flinching an eye. They produce deep belly laughs unexpectedly. For instance, yesterday I captured my one year, 5 month old walking around the house in my shoes by herself. Or my 3 1/2 year old climbing into a bucket twice her size (before I could fill it with cocktails for a party) and just being the little girl she is. Deeply amusing? Bob pulling in the driveway this evening only to find Isabella following me around with her tractor as I was mowing the lawn. She was trying to help me mow the grass (such a sweetheart!), but all he did was laugh at us, as it was quite a site to see. WHO needs a BOOK when you can LIVE IT, BE IT and LOVE IT : ) Maybe when I am older I shall read, but for now...I feel like my life is ACTION packed, no book needed.

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