Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What a Day

Yesterday, the girls got a haircut at Cool Cuts and today we went to visit Grandma Chug & Grandpa Dale.  The girls got to play around in the mud over in grandpa dale's garden and Isabella helped picked tomato's, jalapenos, peppers and cucumbers.  Afterwards, grandma chug got to welcome each girl with lots of kisses and SMILES.
After naps, we dropped baxie off at the groomer's to get a bath and clip and we he headed off to pay a special visit to their great grandparents.  Paying a visit today and often, brings back special memories that I hold dear and close to my heart as a grandchild.  Grandma Betty would have chuckled at Giselle eating so much ("man in how that girl can really eat!") and Isabella's energy.  Grandpa Gus would have conjured up a great trick to play on them both or just shook his head with that special smirk on his face.

Lastly, we stopped at a random park and took a self portrait of us three girls.  It was such a beautiful day out today.

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