Sunday, August 26, 2012

As Summer Comes to a Close End

the girls continue to swim and enjoy the nice weather outside.  And so do the neighbors.

Isabella is pretty close to swimming without her life jacket.  At the beginning of the season, she could barely swim with her life jacket on.  It's amazing what transpires in a few months.  Next year, she will be a pro. 

Baby G is still her sweet self.  SMILING by the minute with that million dollar SMILE that lights up rooms.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I have talked about it before.  Isabella has her own sense of fashion.  She raids her closet and the outcome is ALWAYS sure to be a SURPRISE.  Today, as I am making dinner in the kitchen, both girls come down from their bedroom and bella says LOOK AT US MOMMY!!  Isabella had dressed baby G in their school shirt, the same as her.  All I could do was SMILE.  She reminds me of Sydney.  I call them "hipsters" if you will.  They are setting their own style - perhaps it is what they feel they have control over at this point.  Who knows.  LOVE all three girls and their sense of style at their ages!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

A Picnic in the Park

What BEAUTIFUL weather we are having this August!  Today, the girls and I ventured out for a picnic in the park.  We brought a blanket and spread it out and enjoyed some sandwiches, ruffles sour cream and onion chips and some fruit.  Afterwards, we played at the park and met a little Chihuahua named Chico who weighed a total of three pounds.  The girls really loved playing with him.

After our picnic, the girls rested, then we hit the pool and did a few laps.  Ahhhhh....summer days with my girls = priceless.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Just us

On Saturday, Isabella and I ventured off on our own.  We both enjoyed our one on one time together.  To start the day, we stopped at the dealership to get an oil change for my car, in which I had an appointment at 10 a.m.  They said that they were backed up and it was going to take about an hour and a half.
So we amused ourselves by walking around the entire dealership looking at all the different cars, chasing balloons and eating some pastries.  Really?  An hour and a half wasted for an oil change but Bella and I amused ourselves and made the best of it.
Next up, Home Depot.  I wanted to take my girl to the paint section so she could pick out what colors she wanted her room to be.  Daddy is going to paint it for her.  We all know I don't have the patience for painting.  Nor am I good at it.  After she picked her colors, we strolled over to the kids workshop that they hold the first Saturday of every month at all Home Depots.  This Saturday's craft was making your own bulletin board.  The kids had to paint it, then decorate it.  We hammered it out and Iz kid waived her brush with an array of colors.  We even put her name on the back along with the year.  Yeah, I'm sentimental like that.  Dates are fun to remember.  But let's be honest, who remembers all events?   Sad to say, if I don't write it down, things become a little fuzzy.  So when she asks me, "Mom, when did I make that?"  No problem.  I GOT this.  I turn the back over and see the date and WHAM!  I have an answer for my girl.  Once completed she was issued a certificate of achievement, stickers and a pin!

After that adventure, we headed out for lunch.  There's this THAI restaurant that I have been frequently visiting for about the last 10 plus years.  Started going there before I was even 20 years old.   LOVE the owner, her SMILES, and her GREAT food.  We get the warm and fuzzies when we see each other.  It's a five star joint.  That's how much SHE ROCKS in the kitchen.  Bella and I ordered fresh spring rolls topped with plum sauce complete with carrots, cucumber, bean sprouts and tofu.  For our main course, we shared chicken pad thai.
Then, after such a yummy lunch, we came home and took a nap together.  PURE BLISS.  The end.  Next time, we going for pedicures and massages.   HA!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...