Monday, September 24, 2012

As Summer Comes to An End

The beautiful fall weather approaches us.  I look forward to Halloween, what the girls will choose to wear for their costumes and how we can SCARE the next.  Meanwhile, I am sad that with the recent frosts, that all of our produce will stop growing, hence no more fresh homemade tomato sauce on the stove, no more stuffed jalepeno poppers, and no more stuffed peppers.  There is nothing better than homemade.
Until then, the girls and I will continue to enjoy the fall weather.  Me, watching them play aimlessley outside with their toys until it is too cold.  While I was grilling out today, I admired how wonderful they played together at ages 4 and 2.  How Baby G ADMIRES Isabella and vice versa.

 Me, grilling dinner outside until I can't take it anymore.  Visiting the fall festival's from local to far and cuddling in between with my peeps.  For some reason this season, I am sad, as I feel that fall came way too fast.  But isn't that what everyone always says...maybe I am just starting to realize how quickly the seasons fly by.  None the less, I welcome the sweaters, the pot roast with carrots and potatoe's, the chili, the football games.  BRING IT.  I'm a midwestern girl and WELCOME it all. 

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