Monday, November 26, 2012

105 Degrees

When Isabella came home from Tristan Michael's house on Saturday, it was about 7:00 p.m. and she told Bob and I she wanted to go to bed.  We both looked at each other and thought...WOW...Tristan must have really worn her out!  She even went upstairs, put her jammies on, brushed her teeth and was waiting for us to tuck her in - which she never does.
Sunday came and she acted like a zombie and we thought - whew - those cousins need to get together more often and play.  But then when I gave her a hug mid morning, she was burning up.  I took her temperature and it was 103 degrees, but no other symptoms, just a fever.  We had lots of baths and pain reliever.

Today, Bob took her to the doctor and the whole office was in a tailspin when they took her temperature and it read 105 degrees.  Within seconds, there were 2 nurses and 3 doctors in her room inspecting Bella from head to toe.  Running tests left and right on her.  After almost 4 hours, Bella is home and sleeping peacefully.   Wouldn't it be nice if you could put your family and friends in a bubble so they would NEVER get sick or feel bad or go through rough times with their health?  I hope she feels better soon and returns to her spunky self.  A mother's heart is always heavy when these things happen.  Her poor eyes tell it all......

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