Friday, November 23, 2012

We have been SKUNKED

We spent the day putting up Christmas Decorations and doing repairs.  At about 7 p.m., as we were winding the day down, Bob went upstairs to give the girls a bath.  I had put dinner in the oven, let Baxie outside and was just getting ready to let him in and head upstairs to tend to the girls.
AND then.  IT HIT ME.  I opened the BACK DOOR.  And.... I thought I was going to THROW UP.  LITERALLY.  I let Baxie in the house and he was FROTHING at the MOUTH.  DROOL dripping everywhere.  He looked like he was going to pass out.  I didn't know what to do.....
I screamed for Bob.  All I could smell was....ICK!!!   Bob came down the stairs and almost threw up too.  The girls screamed....BAXIE STINKS!!!   We took Baxie straight up to the shower, and WASHED him three times.  While he smells good, my house still smells like SKUNK.  Baxie was SKUNKED for the first time EVA. 

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