Sunday, November 18, 2012

An Evening At the Circus

Ringling Brothers Circus that is.  The GREATEST show on earth.  It was our first circus together as a family (Bob told me he went several times as a kid)!  Back in 2009, I visited the Ringling Museum of Art with my mother in Sarasota, FL.  Last night, I was thinking back and wishing that I would have seen the circus first, then visited the museum.  I remember alot of the history from the museum and I can only imagine how cool the circus actually was BACK in the DAY. 

Giselle was all SMILES from ear to ear the entire time.  It was priceless to see.  Isabella...well, she was not too interested in the circus, which surprised me.  Tristan couldn't take his eyes off the show.   Here are a few pictures from the evening.  Enjoy.

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