Thursday, November 15, 2012

The PAWS Event

Bob and I headed out last weekend for a night on the town to the PAWS event at the Drake Hotel, one of Chicago's largest events to support their no kill humane organization.  The richest of the richest attend this event and it is quite the site to see.  Bob's company sponsors a table every year in which we are afforded the opportunity to attend.  The women, all dolled up, complete with their matching dogs in their costumes or outfits should I say and then the men, all dappered in their tuxes.
I had that specific day off off of work, so when the afternoon came, I rounded up my girls and off to the city we went.  When we reached the city's skyline, Isabella's exact words were...."Mommy!!!  Those buildings are SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!"  Baby G of course just had the sound effects which went something like OOOOHHHHHHHH.  
I explained to both girls that it was the skyline of Chicago.  I also let Isabella know that I was taking her to her very first house that she was born and raised in until she was two years old and that Baby G was in mommy's stomach when we moved.  She was SUPER excited and very intrigued.  Now that she is 4, she is really starting to comprehend and understand things. 

Once we arrived, she raced up the stairs as if she had never forgotton them.  But once inside, she didn't recall her old surroundings.  Who remembers places from when they were two years old anyway....right?
Off to the PAWS event Bob and I went, in which our trusted babysitter from the city watched our girls.

We had a great time at the event dancing the night away, having fun with friends, hanging out with Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins and Bob even made friends with Ed Swiderski.  While I won't share all the details of the evening out with Mr. Vail, I will tell you that my girls enjoyed the city.  And I wonder....I just wonder if Isabella will be a city girl.  She sure does love the action, the lights, and the people.

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