Wednesday, March 13, 2013


So many 3's today!  We should buy a lotto ticket!  This day was filled with SUNSHINE and there was not a cloud in the sky.  The day started out at 5:15 a.m. with both my girls wishing me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.  Followed by LOVE, WARMTH, & HAPPINESS sent my way by friends and family.  I felt the LOVE all day long and I EMBRACED it.  By lunch, I was on top of the City of Chicago with my best friend taking it all in, 103 floors up. 

Reminiscing, as I looked out the big windows thinking about when my father would take me to the big city on the weekends as a little girl and how I lit up like a Christmas tree.  And the Chicago Style Hot Dogs.....yeah baby!!  Even Isabella LOVES THEM!!  Being an adult and still lighting up like a Christmas tree in a city that holds a dear place in my HEART.

By night, birthday cake and presents!  The presents tugged at my HEART strings this year!  Thank you to all!  I am very thankful for this day and my girls are teaching me to SLOW DOWN.  To take IT ALL IN.  and most importantly ENJOY THE MOMENT because life moves too fast, you don't need to rush it.  I am so thankful for all of the love and warmth I am surrounded with on a daily basis but most importantly, I am thankful that we are all happy and healthy.  I love you ALL XOXOXOXO  Thank you Thank you Thank you

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