Monday, March 18, 2013


A brand new pastel colored dress, size 5 from Marshall's = $24.99. A fresh new pair of tights, pastel colored = $5.99. A tray of Jimmy John's subs for the "after party" = $53.00. A bouquet of bright, beautiful colored flowers from the flower shop = $10.99.

I watch Isabella's face as she gets ready to sing her musical….She looks really nervous, but even more nervous that she doesn’t see her family right away. I see the fear in her eyes and secretly HOPE she sees us really QUICK.  I patiently watch her as she "eyes" a room full of crowded people and it feels like forever.  I just want to scream HERE WE ARE ISABELLA!!!  LOOK OVER HERE HONEY, but I can't because the room is completely silent awaiting the show to begin.  And then, it HAPPENS.  She SMILES really BIG when she finally FINDS mommy, daddy and little sister.  Her eyes begin to GLOW again = Priceless.  Her performance tonight = Priceless.

Isabella had her Easter musical tonight at the school in which she sang a handful of songs, wore wings and even bunny ears. We watched about 48 little 3 and 4 year olds sing at the top of their lungs. Once they were finished, they were all still standing in a circle waiting to be dismissed when Giselle busted out of my arms and ran all the way across the room to give her big sister a HUG and smile at her. While I thought Bob and I might get in "troubs", I was thankful when the whole room went "AWE" and smiled at the two sisters loving up on one another. (Whew!)

We are so proud of Isabella and her performance this evening for the spring musical.  GOOD JOB IZ KID.  XOXOXOXOXOX

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