Monday, April 01, 2013

Hippity Hoppity Easter Fun

What a fun Easter weekend spent with friends and family!  The girls went to see the Easter bunny at Bird Haven greenhouse, in which Isabella ran up to the Easter bunny and gave him a BIG HUG!  Giselle was scared of the Easter bunny but wanted to pick an egg out of his basket.  Maybe next year when Giselle is 3 she will not be so scared.

On Good Friday, we went to Monica's house and enjoyed a traditional meal with her and her family.  We had homemade enchilada's, stuffed poblano peppers and rice.  I made a PEEP cake to take there along with a dip.  All of the kiddos played together until almost midnight.

On Saturday, the weather was gorgeous, so we took the girls to meet up with their cousin Tristan and play in the park.  These three love each other so much and I could watch them play together for hours.  Afterwards, we all enjoyed a nice lunch together.

And then there was Easter Sunday.  Giselle slept until 8:30 a.m. and Isabella didn't wake up until 9:50 a.m.  I didn't think those girls were ever going to get out of bed and that is the latest Isabella has ever slept in!  Any other time they are up by 6 in the morning! The Easter bunny visited our house for the girls and even Baxter!
During the day, we enjoyed getting a few things done around the house while the girls played inside and out.  By afternoon, I had made another cake - this time a jellybean cake and some baked beans.  We went over to the neighbors house and enjoyed ham, cheesy potatoes, baked beans accompanied with a salad.  There were about 6 kiddos there and they all enjoyed running around the yard for their Easter egg hunt.  All in all, the weather was beautiful out, it was a nice relaxing weekend filled with family and friends and I thought about those near and close to our hearts.  Hope you all had a nice Easter as well!  Enjoy the pictures.

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