Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy 9th Birthday Baxter Allen

9 years ago today, Bob and I walked into a pet shop when we were dating and decided to pick out a puppy. Out the door we went, with a beautiful yorkie/doxie mix and we decided to name him Baxter Allen. In his first year, he chewed up all of our favorite furniture but we still loved him. Bob worked closest to our home at 9th and Wabash, so he would walk home on his lunch hour to take Baxie for a walk. After work, Bob and I would walk him around Grant park in Chicago and just enjoy the beautiful Chicago nights off of the lake front. Fast forward 9 years later. Baxie has two new friends, Isabella Marie and Giselle Eloise. He has, and always will be a LOYAL, LOVING dog. TO ALL OF US. CHEERS to you BAXTER ALLEN!! May we continue creating memories and sharing LOTS of SMILES! Now go ahead and BLOW OUT YOUR CAKE BIG GUY!! YOU deserve it on your special day. XOXXOXOX

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