Sunday, December 29, 2013

Giselle and Isabella - A December Month to Remember

December is always a busy month for everyone I know. You decorate your house, you work, you run around. You attend holiday events and if you have little ones, you ROCK it out. Isabella and Giselle had a great month. For 25 days we played elf on the shelf with their elves Fred and Flower, hiding them around the house in a new spot every night. We made snoopy gingerbread houses. We visited Santa and for the first time, Giselle didn't cry her head off. She actually batted her eyelashes at Santa, showed those baby blues and smiled from ear to ear. We all made peanut butter kisses together and ham rolls. We decorated the tree. Made crafts. Watched holiday classics together. We ate, drank and were merry. You get it.... You can bet your bottom dollar, our Christmas decorations were down the day after Christmas. Year by year, I am getting better. In any case, here is a month of pictures in review. See YA December!!!

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!!!

There is something that is amazingly epic about a hand and a footprint to me. I LOVE hand and footprints, all shapes and sizes. It's almost as if you can stop time with them OR at least seize the moment! I never get tired of hand and footprints, just as I never get tired of HEARTS. Tonight we lit the fireplace, put on some Christmas music and then we all created a Christmas craft with the girls. I wish I could have fit baxie on the canvas but I don't trust him with paint - he has been known to do some damage! Our craft will bring JOY and MEMORIES for the years to come........

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...