Friday, June 03, 2016

Can you BELIEVE it is JUNE?

Can you believe that it is June 2016 already?  I sure can't!  What I can tell you is that I have had an amazing 2 weeks as a mother with my girls!! SO many fun memories with Isabella and Giselle to wrap up the 2016 school year!  Isabella will be starting 2nd grade next year and Giselle will be moving on to kindergarten.  AND they will get to take the same school bus together!!  Time flies when you have two little growing girls!

For starters, last week was Giselle's dance recital of the year.  She had been enrolled in Ms. Priscilla's School of Dance lessons for the year and they had their big finale at Mary Sears!  It was cute to see all of the little girls dolled up in their pink tutus!  Giselle really enjoyed herself and had BIG SMILES from ear to ear.  It warmed my heart to watch her perform.  What a HAM for the camera!  And I said my good-byes to Mary Sears Children's Academy.  Giselle has been attending the school since she was 3 months old and now at 5 1/2, we said our good-byes to our second family - our family that we have taken and loved both our children for 7 years now.

Isabella was enrolled in an 8 week chess program and just completed the championship last week.  She came home from school one day and told me she wanted to enroll in the chess club.  Isabella is my crafty, artsy, very creative little girl, so at first, I was surprised that she wanted to play chess.  After her first time at chess club, she fell in love.  And then mommy had an A HA moment.  This little girl loves math and anything challenging, of course she loves chess!  8 weeks later, she completed her chess championship, beat her instructor TWICE and earned a medal.  ATTA GIRL!!!  SUPER PROUD and she asked me if she could play and compete again next year.  Of course, darling.  Why not?

And lastly, today was Isabella's last day of first grade. SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!!  Yeah!!!  I heard it was national donut day too, so before school, we whisked off to Dunkin Donuts and she got to pick out her favorite donuts. 

What an amazing last couple of weeks it has been!  I can't wait to see what summer has in store with these two girls!!!

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