Friday, June 17, 2016

Good-bye Daisies, HELLO Brownies......

Last week, Isabella had her bridging ceremony from Daisies to Brownies.  Bridging is an important transition in a Girl Scout's life. It's a defining moment when a girl becomes aware of her achievements and is ready for new adventures and responsibilities!!!
I have had so much fun this past year of Daisies watching Isabella develop her self-potential, relating to others with increasing skill, maturity and developing values to give meaning and direction to her life.  She enjoyed it so much, that she wants to keep going forward.  Giselle enjoyed being a side kick and attending most events with us that she too, wants to be a Daisie next year. 

And so the next adventure begins for Isabella and Giselle…….Isabella is now a BROWNIE and Giselle will be a DAISIE. 
Next week, they both have a week long camp in Messenger Woods for Girl Scouts in which I elected to be a volunteer for the week and am a Unit Leader of 25 little girls.  I look forward to seeing their smiles, sharing their excitement and watching them make new friends and build team skills.  Stay Tuned….

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