Monday, June 20, 2016

First Day of Girl Scout Camp in Messenger Woods 6 2016

Day 1 of Girl Scout Camp was a success!  WOOT WOOT!  We packed up the car and off to Messenger Woods we went!  I signed up to be a volunteer for the week and am a Unit Leader along with my neighbor and we are responsible for 20 girls.  Giselle is a “Pixie”, so she is in with another group of little ones that are ages 3-5.  My group has girls that are ages 7-16 and lucky for me, Isabella is in my group.

What did we do for the entire day in the woods you ask?  For starters, we had an opening ceremony with the flags.  Then, we had business to take care of!  Our group visited the health supervisor to learn about first aid and then the business manager to learn about well, business of camp.  After we took care of business, the day was OURS!

We went on a 5-mile hike in the woods singing songs and identifying plants and animals.  Decorated our troop flag that hangs on the front of our post.  Our theme is TANGLED – you know the movie…right?  So each little girl got to decorate a block on the flag with their names.  We played drip drip DRIBBLE…..It’s kind of like DUCK DUCK goose, ONLY the girls sit around in a circle and one walks around and drips water from a cup on each girls head and then the last girl chosen receives an entire cup of water over her head.  Those little girls think it’s funny to pour an entire cup of water over their unit leaders head!  I think I had 6 cups of water poured on me!  I didn’t mind at all because it was rather warm out today!

After the heat, it poured rain out for about 45 minutes.  We did what all big and little girls do in the rain.  We laughed, sang, ran around, chased each other and played tag.  We also had craft time where everyone got to decorate their t-shirts with paint and stamps.

All in all, the first day of camp was super busy and chaotic, yet rewarding all at the same time.  I felt like the day flew by at lightning speed.  Time flies when you’re having fun!! I had a sampling of what it would feel like to have 20 children all of my own, all at the same time.  Miss Sandy, can you.  Miss Sandy, would you.  Miss Sandy, have you seen my stuff?  Miss Sandy, I have to go to the bathroom.  Miss Sandy, when is lunch? Miss Sandy, what are we going to do next?  And the questions kept rolling all day long.  You get the idea.  I am a big kid at heart, am good at changing the subject to distract any and all meltdowns and really enjoyed being outdoors today with all of these beautiful little girls.  The BIG SMILES.  THE GIGGLES.  The LEARNING EXPERIENCES.  The MAKING FRIENDS.

Giselle’s favorite part of the day:  EATING LUNCH (doesn’t surprise me, the girl LOVES to eat when she wants to!)  Isabella’s favorite part of the day:  going on a 5-mile hike (atta girl, you take after my own heart!)

How lucky am I today?  Let’s just say “my cup runnuth over” which means I have more than enough for my needs and my heart is filled.  Let’s see what tomorrow has in store for Isabella, Giselle and myself…….Meanwhile, if you are looking for Miss Sandy, she will be resting up for more Miss Sandy's tomorrow...wink wink...

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