Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Is it NOVEMBER? Already?

October FLEW by us like a G6!  Where should I start?  We had so many firsts in October!  For starters, Bob took us to Kentucky for a weekend, where he went to college and showed us around.  Isabella and Giselle got to see where daddy went to college, where he lived and even his favorite places to eat.  We spent Friday at Keeneland where the girls got to learn about 80 years of the action and excitement of thoroughbred racing – their first time at a track.  It was a beautiful SUNSHINY kind of day and we took it ALL IN!  Isabella and Giselle got to touch a few horses up close and they were very excited to cheer for their favorite horse during the races!

On Saturday, we woke up early and went to the store to get some apparel for the football game – GO KENTUCKY WILDCATS!!  After that, we met up with Kevin, whom Bob went to college with.  We tailgated in the parking lot before the game where we enjoyed playing bags and having snacks.  Another SUNSHINY day – the girls were cheering for the Wildcats, and THEY WON.  We had such a fun, relaxing weekend and the girls learned a lot about racing, horses, football, and where daddy went to college!

Isabella and Giselle also got to go to their very FIRST Chicago Blackhawks hockey game.  And guess where they got to sit for their first game?  In a SUITE, up high, where they could see all the action!  Bob received four tickets from a client at work, so I scooped up the girls from school and we met him downtown.  Isabella was glued to the hockey game the entire time and asking lots of questions.  What was Giselle doing?  Plugging her ears and smiling.  She doesn’t like loud noises so much and you know every time they score a goalie, the horns sound off. Woot Woot!!

Both girls wrapped up their 12 week gymnastics class in October as well.  They attended a 12-week program for one hour a week and it really helped them to develop hand-eye coordination, and enhanced their physical abilities.  Giselle REALLY enjoyed the program.  You should see her flipping over those bars like it’s nobody’s business.  Isabella liked gymnastics, however I think she would rather be playing chess.  Both girls received high scores on their progress note at the end of the sessions.  I asked them if they would like to continue with gymnastics and Giselle said YES and Isabella said NO.  We plan to sign up Giselle for gymnastics after the holidays.
BIG NEWS!!!  Isabella got her expander out of her mouth, as it has been in since April 23rd.  You should see her MILLION-dollar SMILE and the confidence that came with getting that out of her mouth.  She does need to get more braces put in her mouth, however not until December.  I am unbelievably proud of her for being so BRAVE throughout this entire experience, as I know it has been painful and not easy for her.
Lastly, for Halloween, Isabella was a witch and Giselle was a mermaid princess.  It was probably the NICEST Halloween that I can remember having in the last five years!  It is ALWAYS raining or snowing or crazy cold for the kids and this year the sun was shining and it was almost 70 degrees!  Bob and I attended their parades at school and then afterwards we took them trick or treating for a few hours.  I love seeing their excitement as they RACE from door to door.  You should see all the candy we have!!

And that my friends, was October.  For now, both girls are actively involved in their Girl Scouts meetings and activities and are enrolled in a 12-week chess program (which they both love)!  They place chess together at home and it’s priceless. 
What will November bring?  We shall see!

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