Friday, November 11, 2016

The Pizza Hut BOOK IT! Program

I can remember when I was a little girl in grade school, I participated in the Pizza Hut BOOK IT! Program.  It was a cute little button that looked like the one pictured below.  After you read five books and filled up your pin, you got to go to Pizza Hut and get a PIZZA!  And I always looked forward to that PIZZA!  Who doesn't love pizza, right?!!

Fast forward 30 years, and wouldn't you know they still have that program in the schools for the children?  It is a little different from when I was growing up.  For example, the children no longer receive a button, instead, they receive a paper calendar and have to color in the days that they read.  It also differs by grade level.  Giselle is in kindergarten, so her monthly reading goal is to read for 20 days out of the month for 20 minutes.  Isabella is in 2nd grade, and she is required to read the entire month, each day for 20 minutes.  Once they turn in their monthly calendars, they receive a coupon for a free personal pan pizza! 

The girls really enjoy this program and why wouldn't they?  Statistically, the single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.  Yesterday, I took them to redeem their certificate for reading for the month of October.  Their cheese pizzas were gone in about 5 minutes! 

Keep reading girls!!

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