Wednesday, August 23, 2017

8.23.17 - First Day of School!

First day of school for Isabella, my little 3rd grader and Giselle, 1st grade!  What a great first day!  Daddy was home this morning to send the girls off to school, what a super special treat!  This year, Isabella has Ms. Day for third grade and Giselle has Ms. Pierson for first grade.  Last night, we packed up the girls lunches, set out their outfits and backpacks by the door.  Can you guess which little girl was MOST EXCITED to start school??!!!  If you guessed Giselle, you guessed right!  She was up this morning at 6 a.m., dressed within fifteen minutes and ready to walk out the door!  I had to tell her that she still had two more hours to wait!  When that little girl is excited about something, she gets up and is ready to ROCK!
After school, we went to the "ice cream factory" as a special treat for vanilla ice cream cones with sprinkles on it!  And now, we wind the evening down with turkey meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy and sweet corn, followed by signing paperwork for the school, then relaxing.
Starting school always means evenings spent doing endless hours of homework (times 2), heading to sports, girl scouts or even chess.  It's complete CHAOS.  It means a strict schedule accompanied by lots of running around.  I wouldn't change a thing because as each school year comes and goes, we all EVOLVE.  We all develop gradually.  Individually and as a family.  I look forward to what this year brings Isabella and Giselle!  SHOOT FOR THE STARS LADIES and thank you for the precious privilege of participating in your lives, today and EVERYDAY!  LOVE YOU to the MOON and BACK......
1st Day of School!  8.23.17: Isabella = 3rd Grade.  Giselle = 1st Grade, Our chalk creation in the driveway!

BYE Mommy & Daddy!  We are OFF to CONQUER the WORLD!

My girls!

Isabella is READY

Giselle!  TOO bad TEDDY can't go to school with you!

Daddy and his girls!


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FIRST DAY of School Photos

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