Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Happy 7th Birthday Giselle Eloise!!!

7 years ago today, I can tell you exactly what I was doing.  It was a cold wintry day just like it always is in January.  I had taken maternity leave early and was home from work.  My mother called me and asked me if I wanted to go shopping.  OF COURSE!  I said.  So on that day, we ventured out into the cold and went furniture shopping.  I was on a mission to get a new couch.  We shopped and shopped some more, and I found that new couch for our bedroom.  All while in labor, but I didn't breathe a word.  I thought I was just having pains.  My mother asked me if I wanted to go to lunch and of course I said YES!  Who doesn't love to eat?  I DO!  I remember eating and going to the bathroom and crouching down in pain, not realizing that I was yet again in labor.  She dropped me off at home and asked me, "Sandy, do you want me to stay with you?"  And I said NO, I will be okay, go ahead and go home.  She lived only 20 minutes away.  The moment she left, it felt as if the pain was even more intense.  Isabella was here with me and I was by myself.  I called my mother and she had just gotten home.  She had to turn back and drive here again.  I called Bob and he was in the city and it would take him an hour to get home.  Mom came quickly.  Bob came shortly thereafter.  And then I decided that Bob needed to eat.  Who knows how long we would be in the delivery room.  So I made dinner.  Yet, we still had to drive 1.5 hours to the hospital.  They both thought I was nuts.  We ate dinner.  RUSHED to Chicago and barely made it for an epidural in time.  That drive to Chicago was intense!  With your second child, it comes very quickly!  At 9:26 p.m.  Giselle Eloise was born!
And here we are today!  Memories make a lifetime filled with LOVE!  Happy 7th Birthday Giselle Eloise Vail!  You LOVE emoji's!
You LOVE Portillo's hotdogs, just like Grandpa Dale (and mommy), Grandma Betty always liked BABES!
We celebrated your birthday with opening your presents live with grandma and grandpa from Florida!  They were super excited to see you!  Welcome to I-Phones!  Talking to Grandma and Grandpa Vail via phone!  A Gymnastics party! 

Eating Portillo's, an EMOJI CAKE made with LOVE from Aunt Lynn!  Happy 7th Birthday sweet baby girl!

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Happy New Year!!

It's a New Year!  Some words that come to mind are abundant; annual; another; best; brand new; bright; fantastic; enjoyable AND COLD!!  It's -13 degrees!  Brr!!  I cannot remember it being this cold in at least three years!  We can't go outside, so we decided to mess up the kitchen a bit.

We spent New Years day in the kitchen and Bob and the girls made homemade three cheese ravioli's, spaghetti, homemade sauce and bruschetta!  Santa brought Bob a pasta attachment for his Cuisinart and he wanted to try it out.  Everything was super yummy and the girls really enjoyed making homemade pasta.  For dessert, I made a homemade chocolate chip cookie pie.  We started a brand new year with a full belly.  Delicious!!

Stirring the insides for the ravioli

Homemade cheese ravioli's


My favorite!

The finished product

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...