Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Happy New Year!!

It's a New Year!  Some words that come to mind are abundant; annual; another; best; brand new; bright; fantastic; enjoyable AND COLD!!  It's -13 degrees!  Brr!!  I cannot remember it being this cold in at least three years!  We can't go outside, so we decided to mess up the kitchen a bit.

We spent New Years day in the kitchen and Bob and the girls made homemade three cheese ravioli's, spaghetti, homemade sauce and bruschetta!  Santa brought Bob a pasta attachment for his Cuisinart and he wanted to try it out.  Everything was super yummy and the girls really enjoyed making homemade pasta.  For dessert, I made a homemade chocolate chip cookie pie.  We started a brand new year with a full belly.  Delicious!!

Stirring the insides for the ravioli

Homemade cheese ravioli's


My favorite!

The finished product

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