Tuesday, February 13, 2018

35 Days

10 hours, 49 minutes and 19 seconds UNTIL SPRING.  Not that I am counting or anything......(wink, wink!)  I never wish time away, however I am looking forward to feeling the warmth of the sun on my face and seeing the beautiful colors of the tulips and daffodils (or jonquil's as Betty would call them)!

We got pounded with snow over the weekend!!  So much, that they cancelled school on Friday for the girls.  It was nice to sleep in and not have a schedule on Friday.  The news reported that we got a total of 14.0" but then it snowed another 4 inches after that.  Poor Bob had to clean the driveway, sidewalks and backyard about 5 times!  Baxter didn't even want to go outside.....

We made the best of the weather and took naps, had snowball fights.  Baked cookies.  Made snow angels.  Snowmen.  And even went sledding!  I remember when I was a little girl, I used to go sledding on the hill behind my house for hours!  For some reason, we all went sledding, and all 4 of us only lasted 20 minutes!  We were fully geared up with our snow pants, coats, hats, gloves and long underwear but that didn't seem to keep us warm enough.  We were all icicles by the time we were done sledding.
The icicles hanging above Isabella's window

WOW!  Homer Glen!!  That's A LOT of SNOW!


Ready to go again once they reached the bottom of the hill.

Daddy took a turn with Giselle

All that sledding made us HUNGRY

I never get tired of looking at the FACE on this TREE, no matter what season it is!
My countdown for SPRING continues.  Meanwhile, the girls keep running outside to play in the snow.  They LOVE IT!  And I keep making them hot chocolate and throwing their snow pants in the dryer : ) 

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