Thursday, February 08, 2018

Remember Me Always. Every. Time.

Is what she told me to make the title.............

9 1/2 years ago, I started writing this blog for fun.  At the time, I wanted an outlet to stay connected with my mom, dad and sister so they could be included in on what was going on with a brand new, newborn baby and a dog.  527 posts to date, I am still writing.  I never anticipated keeping up this blog, it just sort of happened.

Today, I am pretty ecstatic to share that I have turned this blog into books for both Isabella and Giselle!  I have been wanting to do this for several years so that the girls would have a memorable book from mom to cherish forever filled with LOVE, MEMORIES and LOTS of pictures!

About a month and a half ago, I planted myself in front of the computer for almost an entire day and I successfully drafted, edited and designed 2 blog books from scratch that covered a period of 7 years (I still have 2 1/2 years of writing to turn into another book - to be created on a rainy or snowy day!). 

The first book is for Isabella only and ranges from September 2008 through December 2010 and is 132 pages with 295 pictures.  I asked Isabella what I should name the blog books.  It didn't take her long to innocently look at me and say, "Remember Me Always.  Every Time."  "I want to always remember you mommy, so that is what I think you should name the books."  Thank you Isabella!  All the books are titled Remember Me Always. Every. Time.

The second blog book is from January 2010 through December 2014 and contains 254 pages.  This book is for both girls and I wrote a dedication inside that reads:  Dear Isabella and Giselle, I dedicate this book to the both of you.  I will forever cherish the memories we create together as a family.  I love you.  Love, Mommy.

I was like a little kid at Christmas the day the books arrived on my doorstep.  I couldn't wait to rip open the boxes and see the blog, that I had turned into an actual book!  I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the books and how nice they turned out.  I cannot decide if I want to store them away and save them as an 18th birthday present, or a present to be presented when the girls are in their 20's.  OR I could share the books with them right now and let them read them on their own.  Isabella has peeked at a few pages and is very intrigued by the old photos!  I still have some time to decide what I want to do.  I may not have kept up with all of the photo albums over the years or filling out their baby books, however there is one thing that has been maintained and consistent, and that is this blog.  I have always enjoyed writing and I really enjoy capturing all of these memories with my girls and as a family.  All of which I hold very dear to my heart..........
These TWO and their BATH BOMBS!!

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