Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Isabella IS VIP Student of the MONTH

Parents are the single greatest influence on children.  Bob and I are ecstatic that Isabella was awarded VIP student of the month!!!!  VIP students are students who have demonstrated excellent character, reached a recent goal, and continue to grow into a future leader by making good choices in an effort to reach a personal best.

Isabella has been doing excellent in school, exceeding her IEP goals set at the beginning of the school year and has made some wonderful gains in Math.  She was awarded a certificate by her Principal, Mrs. Gasa.  Mrs. Gasa noted that Isabella goes out of her way to be a good friend to others and help out.  To celebrate, Isabella had the honor of having lunch with Mrs. Gasa and she was treated to cheese pizza, in which she informed me that she indulged in seven slices!  All of that hard work must have made her hungry!  In addition, she also received five coupons to reward her and use throughout the month (coupons like changing desks, no homework pass, etc.).

VIP Student of the Month
Isabella also had to complete a biography speech and poster and present to her classmates.  She chose Sally Ride, the first American woman when she flew on the space shuttle Challenger on June 18, 1983.  Isabella worked very hard on her poster and speech and it shows, she scored a 99% on her speech and a 96% on her biography poster.  She even wore a space helmet while presenting and also spent over 2 hours with daddy building a space ship out of 327 LEGO pieces!  If you look at the pictures below, you can see all of the pieces of LEGO'S and the final masterpiece that she is holding.

Last week, Giselle was awarded Star Student of the Week and now Isabella VIP student of the Month!  We are TWICE BLESSED!  Keep striving to be your best ladies!  WE LOVE YOU to the MOON and BACK!!!  (Get it?  Sally Ride reference...."To the MOON and back!")
Building a LEGO Rocket ship with Daddy
Isabella's SALLY RIDE presentation

Look at that!  She scored a 96%!!

Scored a 99%!!

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