Monday, April 22, 2019

Big Guy

It has been a while since we have talked about Baxter, I bet you are wondering how he is doing!  After all, this blog is about Isabella, Giselle and Baxter!

About a month ago, we had quite a scare with him.  I had just come home from x-rays because I sprained my ankle and just as I put my ankle up with ice, the girls said "Mommy!  Is your ankle bleeding?!  There is blood all over the floor!!"

I got up and to my surprise, there was blood all over the floor everywhere.  Baxter was fine before we went to the doctor.  He was fine when we came home.  In a matter of 15 minutes, something burst on his left eye and it wouldn't stop bleeding.

We got in the car and took him to the vet.  They treated his eye and gave us a cone and said it should be better in a few days.  A few days turned into 5 trips to the vet, 3 different medications (they told us he would have to take pills for the rest of his life) and then a chemotherapy treatment called vincristine.  They wanted to do surgery on his eye, but couldn't because his eye wouldn't stop bleeding and they didn't want him to bleed to death during surgery.  They told us that the chemotherapy treatment would stop his immune system from attacking his own cells and it should help him to stop bleeding - and it worked.

Isabella and Giselle were very upset during this time to say the least.  At one point, Isabella looked at me and said "Mommy, can you PROMISE me Baxter is going to be okay?"  Before I started to tell her yes, I thought long and hard about my answer.  And then I just looked at her and said, "No, Isabella, I cannot promise you he will be okay."  Very bravely she looked at me and said, "Well, can you promise me we will ALWAYS remember him?"  YES ISABELLA, I CAN PROMISE YOU WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER BAXTER!  Forever and ever, no matter what happens!

Here we are, a month later, and I am ecstatic to tell you that Baxter is back to himself.  He is off all medications and does not have to receive any further chemotherapy treatments.  And, we even bought him a NEW bed to sleep in that's BIGGER and FLUFFIER!!

Baxter has been with us 15 years, here is to another 15 years Baxter!  We LOVE YOU!!  Woof Woof

Baxter and his bad eye

All better

ALL SMILES that her doggie is back to normal

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter to YOU and YOURS

Happy Easter to YOU and YOURS!  We are having a beautiful day here in Illinois!  It's 77 degrees and the sun is shining on Easter!  I can't remember the last time the weather was this nice on this day!  The girls enjoyed an Easter egg hunt at the church on Saturday with over 3500 stuffed eggs.  Giselle won a GOLDEN ticket inside an egg and won a jump rope.  Last night, I gave them a bag of marshmallows and told them that if they sprinkled them all over the front lawn, the Easter Bunny would be sure to stop at our house.  I'm pretty sure they consumed half of the bag before they made it onto the lawn.  (BTW, Bob was really happy with me that I came up with that bright idea, lol.)

Wouldn't you believe those marshmallows worked??!!  The Easter bunny placed eggs all over our front yard for the girls to have a hunt and they woke up to a nice basket!

Lastly, we went out to a phenomenal Easter brunch at Capital Grille.  Our bellies our full, the weather is beautiful and it's a good day to relax and kick your feet up.  I almost forgot to tell you....Giselle and Isabella learned how to ride a bicycle today with NO training wheels!!  BIG NEWS!!  
Happy Easter everyone!!  XOXOX

Before the Easter egg hunt

Opening Easter Eggs from the hunt at church

If you leave MARSHMALLOWS all over the front yard and don't eat them all, the EASTER BUNNY WILL COME!!

Easter Morning

Easter Brunch @ Capital Grille

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Boots & Bling 2019

It's a Daddy-Daughter Thing and last week, the girls dusted off their cowboy boots and went to their dance with Daddy!  This year the theme was BOOTS AND BLING!!  The girls were very excited to wear their cowboy boots and daddy even borrowed a pair to wear!  He surprised them with rose corsages, Giselle received a pink rose and Isabella received a white rose. 

They spent the evening dancing with daddy and making crafts.  Daddy was a little teary eyed, as this is his last dance with BOTH of his little ladies.  Isabella transitions to a new school next year (5th grade) and they no longer have daddy daughter dances.  Memories were created and they all had a very special night!

A snapshot BEFORE the Dance

Daddy, the Girls and Jessie (From the movie Toy Story)

Happy Girl!

Giselle making a craft

Everybody DANCING

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...