Saturday, April 04, 2020

Weeks of Togetherness, Worry & New Traditions

Faced with a government order to stay home until April 30th at this time due to the spread of COVID-19, we have weeks of togetherness, worry and new traditions.  I remember when the girls came home on Friday, March 13th and they had all of their books and school supplies. They informed me their teachers told them to clean out their desks and bring everything home.  They had not yet announced anything on the news and I did not understand what was going on. Later that day, the Governor announced the stay at home order.

Here we are 22 days later and we still have another 26 days to go.  Maybe even longer. For now, they have gotten the hang of e-learning.  They kind of understand why they can't go on play dates with their friends, go to school, or attend their after school activities. 

We have been taking lots of bike rides and walks together.  We're watching a lot of movies.  We're not sticking to anything resembling a schedule.  We're playing a lot of cards and board games.  We're cooking together.  We're cleaning together.  We're working out together.  You name it, we're doing it to occupy the time.

I realize they miss their friends, teachers, coaches and well, their old routine.  As siblings, they are strengthening their bond.  As for me, I am enjoying our family time together, creating memories and even new traditions.  One day, Isabella and Giselle will look back and remember the time they lived through a global pandemic.  We miss seeing all of your beautiful faces and your company.........

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