Friday, August 19, 2022

Giselle State Gymnastics Champion

We couldn't be prouder of Giselle, she worked hard this season and was the state champion at her final competition for Level 3.  Competition season runs November through April, which means she competes every weekend all over the state and it is an all-day event.  

Her perseverance, dedication and attitude amaze me.  She spends 6 months in competition, but it doesn't stop there.  During the school year, she attends school all day and then spends 3 nights at the gym from 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. for a total of 16 hours per week training. We are talking about a very intense training schedule topped with lots of homework to accomplish.

As of today, I received AMAZING news from her coach!!!  She was evaluated based on how she performed last season and some of the factors taken under consideration for the placement were strength, flexibility, and mental fortitude.  On August 22, 2022, she will start training at a Level 4!!  She has moved up from Level 3!!!  Some gymnasts stay at the same level for years based on their skill set, but not Giselle!!  Keep flying HIGH little one and you are certainly working hard to move up that ladder!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Giselle State Champion for AA/Beam/Floor

Giselle's Gymnastics Group

FLY HIGH little one!!

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