Thursday, February 23, 2023

One year

I thought it would be fun to post a picture from Christmas 2021 when Jasper and Chloe were puppies and then a year later, Christmas 2022.  What a difference a year makes in dog years.  My how they have grown and melded into their personalities.....



Let's start with Jasper (a.k.a) Jazz Man, Jazz the Spaz, Big Belly Jabber:  He weighs a whopping 20.7 pounds and that is his final weight.  He loves to chase squirrels, play ball, go on walks, car rides and his favorite thing to do is BOMB you when you're in bed and give you wet willies.  He has the most energy out of all three dogs and is always playing with a toy or chewing on a bone.

Next up: Chloe (a.k.a) Coco:  She weigh 15.4 pounds.  She loves to sleep with Giselle and cuddle under the blankets.  She is very sweet, mild mannered, gentle little pup.  She bites my ankles every time I walk down the stairs.  She hates going on walks and can be considered to be "prissy." 

And then there is Lily (a.k.a) Lily Bear, Big Booty Bear, Lils:  She weighs 48.5 pounds and has officially been with us for 3 years now. She has been an exceptionally good dog with guiding Jasper and Chloe getting settled into their forever home.  It warms my heart to see all three of them get along so well and often times cuddling together.  

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