Thursday, October 02, 2008

Who will win?

Every year, cowboy Bob and I have a little "competition" so to speak - one where we go and pick out our pumpkins and carve away. We always make a little friendly wager about who will win and put something at stake for the winner. It's like the Cubs vs. the White Sox - an endless rivalry for us, we begin talking smack about who will have the best pumpkin and why. When we are finished, we send a mass e-mail out to all of our friends & family to vote on their favorite pumpkin and WHY. Their votes determine our WINNER. Well, for the last four years, I have lost to cowboy bob. But not this year, it's a new year for me. I feel pretty confident that I - FOR SURE - without a doubt am going to win. I start off like this and say that I am going to win every time. I get all fired up about my pumpkin, I research the different carvings out there, I map out my plan and plan out my map!

I never thought that we had any traditions in our household as a couple with a dog named baxie, but boy do we ever now that I stop to think about it. This is one of my favorites - right next to St. Patty's Day. Izzy is in for a treat this year and many years to come! This is her first holiday EVA and she has two good looking pumpkins. One from the garden that Grampa Dale grew for her and one miniature from Grams and Gramps Vail. So, since she can't join in on our reindeer games yet, we have something special lined up for her.
So stay tuned and be on the look out for these pumpkins.......and good luck cowboy bob. Your going to need it this year!

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