Monday, March 30, 2009


Thanks Aunt Dawn... I am ROCKIN it....

Let It Go....

I get this weekly update on babies and where your child should be for his/her age. Most recently, Izzy has been trying to grab for the spoon and the bowl while I feed her. I resist. For the sheer fact that I don't want food all over her, the walls, the floor. I read the update. It says to let your little one have the spoon and GO FOR IT. It allows them to learn independance. WOW! Really hard to do, I instantly freak out and think of mess everywhere. I think back to a picture of myself when i was little, my mom baked me a cake - set it in front of me - and i buried my face in it. I had chocolate all over the high chair, my clothes, my face and the picture didn't display this - but perhaps it was all over the walls too...... I let go while cowboy was walking the dog - he came back and said SANDY - there is food everywhere and I said YEAH THERE IS.... slowly, but surely, I am learning, to be a little more relaxed, and just let it go....everything doesn't always have to be so neat, organized and planned out.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Almost at the 7 month mark! Seems like just yesterday big girl was kicking in my stomach. Now she is almost crawling, eating sweet potatos, peas, carrots, and green beans. Today, cowboy bob looked at me and said - I don't see a baby anymore when I look at Isabella - I see a little girl - I was like BOB!! Don't rush it! But he is right. Over the weekend, we had to go shopping and buy 18 month and 24 month old outfits for a 6 1/2 month old!! How can that be possible? Is it because she is so long? Maybe?!! In any case, I remember when we were kids - and the time just seemed to go by so slowly. Our parents always used to talk about how FAST time flies by. NOW, for the first time, I get it. Time flies by really quickly and I guess if you blink - you just might miss it! OR you can savour the moment...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Early Easter

Even though little Izzy has been under the weather all week, she still is a good sport for playing and pictures.

It's been awhile since Baxie

got some blog time. In a couple of weeks, he gets groomed again. He is excited for the warmer weather!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

6 months and going strong

Today Isabella had her 6 month check up and she weighs 19 pounds and some ounces - very close to 20 pounds. The doc said she looks like a million bucks and is a happy baby! What are some of the new things she has been into or doing? Last week we introduced green beans. This week we introduced carrots. Maybe next week will be peas. We have so many fun vegetables left to try - then we can incorporate fruit. Because the fruit is so sweet, it is better to try all of the vegetables first otherwise she will only want sweet things to eat - and we don't want a sugar baby!! I am super excited about Isabella trying new vegetables (because I love veggies) and it is neat to steam something different each week and watch her reaction to them!

6 months is a great age - she loves everyone, is happy, and smiles and laughs uncontrollably. Her eye coordination rocks - she will follow you around a room with her eyes from person to person. "Kick a Kick a gus" is almost ready to crawl, but still has a ways to go. No teeth yet.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Every day brings a new first....

a new smile, a laugh that makes you grin from ear to ear. A new sound, a new food to try and a new outfit. So many news...... Every day is like Christmas, you wake up with something new with a little one in your life and you never know what it will be. Is this what our parents felt and experienced, and how come they never told us about this amazing experience??!! It feels like a million, no a trillion bucks. Today, it was sunglasses and her infatuation with them....

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...