Monday, November 30, 2009

He IS bringing SEXY back!!

I can't imagine what life would be without a pet! Without one, there is a void in your heart - and you feel empty! Sexy Baxie stayed with his cousins - Prince and Ellie while we were in the Dominican Republic and had a great time with his favorites and grandpa Dale - his other all time favorite buddy who he loves up on! I heard Prince taught him how to chase "squirrels" in the backyard (reminds me of my wolfy go!)
While we were gone, Baxie got groomed and got a GI JOE bandanna! He looks so handsome with his new haircut. Truth is, although Bob and I missed him tremendously, there is someone else that missed him EVEN MORE than us. Isabella. Pets make a footprint on the little ones heart too. When he came in the door today, she was in a different room - couldn't see him but heard his nails on the hardwood floor and she just started yelling DOGGIE DOGGIE DOGGIE!!
I am sad to say this, but I think shortly, Baxie will no longer be sleeping with us in bed and cuddling - yet - he will be in bed with his girl Isabella! XOXOX

Kissies for Mommy & Daddy

Enjoying the Swimming Pool In the Dominican Republic

Takin the Tram to the Beach!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Footprints on my Heart

Izzy has left a footprint on my heart today and everyday. Each day is a new surprise. You never know what is in store for you. Today, before I walked out the door for work, she stood there waved, said go-bye and then came over and gave me a hug and a kiss at one years old. Each day, she touches my heart in a new way.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hello from Baxie and Izzy

Baxie had an exciting weekend of tearing up the couch throw, running the wild, and tearing apart toys. Izzy had a fun weekend too seeing all of her family and trying on hats! Still walking a bunch and some new words by Izzy are yellow, one two three, mi (for uncle mike), nenni (for aunt jenny), betty (for great grandma betty). If only she could say grandma and grandpa! I think we will have to develop some nicknames!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Pump It Up

I thought running 26 miles was tough....It's not tough until you have been to a bouncy "Pump It Up" party! What is a pump it up party? Well, it is GIANT slides, climbing walls, trampolines filled with air tailored especially for the little ones. (Which also means a workout for adults) Tonight, we were invited to a surprise birthday party for a 35 year old at a PUMP IT UP HOUSE. We are all kids at heart, no matter what age we are...right???
I raced cowboy bob at climbing the wall with a harness on. Who won? Just look at the pictures and see!

Izzy Walked Brookfield Zoo

We had free tickets to Brookfield Zoo, so we took advantage of this almost 70 degree weather and went! First, Izzy rode the carousel - I believe she sat on an elephant. This brought big SMILES to her face. She was finally starting to get the hang of it by the end.
After that, Izzy did not want to be in the stroller AT ALL. I guess the days of her sitting put have come to an end. I have never seen her walk as much as I did today! She walked more than half of the zoo by herself. Maybe it was the zillion kids walking around her that motivated her to be GO GO GADGET.
She saw DUCKS, lions, bears, goats, chickens, monkeys and even rode a few slides. She smiled smiled smiled ALL DAY. Between the walking by herself and the ducks - I think it made her day!
Now...on to the bouncy house party!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Halloween Isabella

The Vail family went to a Halloween party for pumpkin decorating, good eats, laughs with friends and trick or treating! We took Isabella trick or treating for the first time ever in the neighborhood, and by the middle of trick or treating - she had it down - she was starting to say "trick." She was the smallest trick or treater of the group and got half a bag of candy! I think she really enjoyed being a clown and did not go to bed last night until close to 10 p.m. Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...