Sunday, January 24, 2010

Izzy Busy....

Izzy busy has been busy formulating sentences. Yesterday, she got to see her family at Claim Jumpers to celebrate several Vail family birthdays and today she got to drive the car around the grocery store. Her bangs were starting to hang in her eyes, so I took out the scissors and gave her a little trim. I put her first lock of hair in a ziplock baggie with a little note from mommy with the date to be read down the line.
She has been eating up a storm - perhaps going through a growth stage. Lots of chicken, fish, bananas, strawberries, sweet corn, green beans, toast, sweet potatos, carrots, watermelon....lots of fruit and veggies!
We will get her blood test results back this week and it will be time to go and see the nutritionist after that.
She must indeed be going through a growth phase (and it's raining outside - she always sleeps longer) because she has been ZZZZZing for over 3 1/2 hours.
Love and miss you all XOXOXOXO

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