Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Label Reader

Nearly 80 percent of Americans say they check food labels! Do you? I do, mainly for fat and calorie content! I want to see if the item I am about to eat is worth it!
Today, I took Izzy to the allergist and they tested her for allergies to six items. I learned that she is allergic to four: milk, rice, eggs, and soy. We started out with the skin testing, and where she was most allergic to the food item - she got the biggest welt on her skin. The next step is to visit our pediatrician, get her off of the nutramigen formula and possibly have a medical formula prescribed for her so that she is getting her proper nutrients otherwise found in foods/milk she should be having at this age.
Meanwhile, we will take it one step at a time and I will read more labels cautiously. This does not come as a total surprise - she doesn't like eggs, rice or soy. She spits them right back out. I have so much to learn - for now - no pasta with eggs, no milk, no chocolate, no sweets, no cheese, no pudding, no sour cream, no mayonnaise, no this no that......
From birth, she has not been able to have milk based products-hence the special formula - the milk based ran right through her and she gets very FUSSY and crys her head off.
Once we visit the pediatrician, we need to get blood work done to determine what levels of each she is allergic to the most. In a SEVERE allergic reaction, she could develop hives, have trouble breathing and need an EpiPen - in which we would need to carry around with us at all times.
As her mother, I am allergic to shellfish and cats. Her father has allergies to grass, pollen, cats, trees and leaves. He used to have to get 3 allergy shots bi-weekly from 5 years old to highschool. On both sides, the grandmothers to Isabella had allergies to milk or still do.
Fortunately, many children will outgrow their allergy to milk, egg, wheat, and soy by the time they are 5 years old if they avoid the offending foods when they are young. KEY WORDS IN THIS SENTENCE ARE: IF the offending foods are AVOIDED when they are young.
You learn something new everyday!!

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