Friday, January 08, 2010

Izzy's First Accident - A Busted Lip

When I came home from work today, Grace told me that Izzy busted her lip. When I asked how - it was explained as this...."I told Izzy not to pull on the gate but she did, but bob was home when it happened." Bob explained to me that he was in the shower, heard a big THUMP and lots of crying. I guesstimate that Grace turned her head for a moment and Izzy fell down the stairs and busted her lip - even though there is a gate - there are two steps up before the gate.
Hmmm....The picture is not the greatest quality - but you can see the bump.
On another note. It occurred to me today that Izzy is 16 months old. I made an appointment to see her doctor - she needs to get 4 shots and she ALSO needs to get blood work done (see an allergy specialist) because: she can't drink milk, she can't drink soy milk, she can't drink rice milk and well....she is still on formula at her age.
While she is advanced in walking, talking up a storm - we need to figure out what is going on with her GI tract and eating! We shall see what happens...

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