Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Erie Park

Took Iz kid to Erie Park today after work. The sun was shining here in Chicago and it was a crisp 53 degrees, so why not head out and celebrate SUNSHINE, LIFE, LOVING and so much more!
If I have said it before, I will probably continue to say it a thousand times...each day that I get to experience with little Isabella is a SURPRISE. I love her smile when she experiences new things, a new word that comes out of her mouth, an action never seen before or a BIG HUG AND KISS!
This little girl is adventurous, full of smiles and inquisitive! When I came home from work she said ARE WE GOING? So I said YES!!! and I put her coat on and we rocked it for a couple of hours!
I cherish the JOY that she brings to my very SOUL.

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