Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let's GO White SOX

Today was a very relaxing day! We slept in a bit, made and ate breakfast together and then headed off to a White Sox game. The weather was beautiful here in Chicago -sun was shining and 70 plus degrees.
Isabella was fortunate enough to run into and meet Minnie Minoso, born November 25, 1925 in Havana, Cuba. Minnie is the ONLY baseball player to have played professionally in 7 different decades. The three of us were walking down the streets of Chicago, Minnie pulled his caddie over, got out of the car, gave a homeless man some money, then looked at Isabella and said "Hi, darlin." Bob told Izzy that it was Minnie and she said HI MINNIE (I am sure she was thinking of Mickey Mouse). He got a BIG SMILE from ear to ear. Then she said BYE MINNIE! He looked really good for his age.We walked away and later Minnie drove by us, honked and waved to Izzy.
I had no idea who Minnie was until today.....
Isabella rocked the entire baseball game but unfortunately, they lost! Once we got home, she took a four hour nap. We woke her up just to eat dinner and then put her back to bed.
Guess she was exhausted after walking to the train, walking around the entire stadium, watching the baseball game for three hours, running down the ramps on the way out, walking to the train again, walking home on Chicago avenue and walking up the stairs.

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