Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Mr. Potato Head

When you look at this picture of Mr. Potato Head, do you notice anything missing? A true fan of Mr. Potato knows immediately what is missing from this photo. OR if you have a good eye, you know as well. I bet Dawn could answer this question right now! She likes to look at two photos of a room filled with people and point out what the difference is between the two photos - like the ones featured in the back of US weekly. (I do too.)
I will let you think about what is missing while I tell you about the favoured Mr. Potato Head! Isabella received MPH on Easter Sunday. This is her second Mr. Potato Head...I got her the first. Bob got her the second. I never told Bob what happened to the initial. Baxie discovered Mr. you know who and shredded him to pieces, one day at a time. First, the ears, then the mouth, then the hat, the eyes, the arms...until ONLY the POTATO was left.
Only two days later, the new Mr. Potato you know who is missing his EARS and his tongue. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
We even bought Baxie Easter "bones" so he would not be jealous of Izzy's Easter basket. It is not working.
So perhaps for Christmas, we will buy Baxie HIS very OWN MR. POTATO HEAD.....
Or, better yet, this could be my very own proposal that MAYBE it is time for Baxie to have a brother or sister of his own kind. The more the merrier? Right??!! It is only fair he has a buddy to play with so he doesn't resort to Mr. Plastic potato head!! A white yorkie mixed with poodle? For a yorkidoodle?

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