Thursday, June 03, 2010

Motherly Instincts

They say that a mother understands what a child cannot say.......

I find this to be amazingly true under many circumstances. Isabella just got an antibiotic for her ear infection and the doctor (our doctor was out, so I had to see a DIFFERENT doctor) told me to give it to her for 10 days. Okay. No biggie, I can handle that. I gave her liquid antibiotic to her for 3 days, and then I couldn't take seeing her be miserable any longer. After crying and screaming ALL day and every diaper being RUNNY for 3 days - well, something wasn't working. Not to mention she was not eating. Upon immediately taking her off of the medicine - guess what. She started eating. No more runny diapers. No more crying and screaming all day.
So I said to myself, I need to call the doctor and talk to him about this antibiotic and her reaction to it.
And you want to know what that JOKER said to me.......?? Well, did you get a GENERIC prescription or the FORMULARY that I wrote out for you? I said doc - I got the generic because Walgreen's didn't have the formulary in stock and he said well that is your problem then - anytime adults or children get a generic prescription - they have MORE side effects. It's common to get the runs with any drug, especially generic. I disagreed and told him perhaps there was an ingredient in the drug that she was allergic to since she has many allergies. So he tells me that if I wanted to talk further about the INGREDIENTS of the drug, that I needed to call the manufacturer.
Are you kidding me!!????

I thank my lucky stars that I was raised properly. Because what I really wanted to say after I took the time to call him expressing my concerns and he pulled out mickey mouse answers was GO FLY A KITE joker......and hang up!
Isabella is beginning to SMILE again and is feeling a bit better!!

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