Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Izzy Busy

Grandpa Dale gave Izzy a tigger ball and boy has she been busy with it! She loves to play catch with mommy and daddy and carry it around with her everywhere. I caught her in this picture on the move!
On another note, Isabella is adjusting to school very well. This week, marks a month that she has been attending and it also marks the first week she didn't cry walking in through the doors. I sometimes wonder if she misses Grace or thinks about her, but I don't bring her name up and either does Izzy.
I have noticed that her vocabulary has increased and she is formulating more sentences. My FAVORITE is when I tell her I love her....and she says in her sweet little voice "I love you too mommy." I want to bottle that up and keep it forever.
Pretty soon, big girl has a birthday coming up and will be 2!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Burbs

So far, Isabella is enjoying her new home. I love to watch her run around in the driveway or scoot around on her little car. I don't have to worry about her playing in the alley or a crazy cabbie driving like a maniac. Here are a few pictures of her playing in the backyard after school and also of the flowers she picks for daddy.
After she picks a few flowers for him, we sit on the porch with Baxter and wait for daddy to pull in the driveway. Once he arrives, Baxie goes running with his tail wagging and Izzy races to the driver's side door with a BIG SMILE....

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...