Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Could It Be?

That Giselle has an allergy to soy? I went back in time to see when Isabella started screaming her head off. To when nothing I did soothed her, to when she had the runs, to when she didn't sleep. To when I almost lost my mind. It was approximately 15 days after birth.
Today I had one of those days where my little one wouldn't stop screaming her head off and where I almost lost my mind. She slept a half hour the entire day, projectile vomited quite a few times and at the end, just wouldn't take her bottle of soy formula. Not to mention she is constipated - another sign of an allergy to formula. And you know what today is? The 15th day mark. I feel like it's deja vu all over again.
Right now, at last, she is finally sleeping peacefully. I have temporarily switched her formula, as I cannot take another moment of watching her suffer all day as she did today. In the meantime, I will keep my fingers crossed that my little one feels better very, very soon and that she doesn't have several allergies.

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