Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Giselle is One Week Old

And here is where time begins to fly. Seems like just yesterday I was strolling around in a furniture store with my mother - shopping for couches. Not only did we both get beautiful couches a week ago, but we also gained an addition to the family. A day to never be forgotton and forever to be cherished and remembered.
Giselle is officially one week old and is doing very well. She is busy eating and sleeping the days away. So far, no signs of being allergic to her soy formula. I keep my fingers crossed that it will continue to be that way!
Grandma Chug has been a HUGE help and has been at the house helping take care of Giselle all week! It has been very nice to have some loving, experienced hands in the house to try and get the Vail's back up and running after the new addition to the fam. Tomorrow, when she goes home I will be forced to have conversations with Baxter and my plants. HA HAAAA......
I just went back in time in the blog and looked with Bob at the pictures of Isabella when she was first born in September 2008 - Bob and I can't believe how much the two look alike as newborns.
Time will tell. Until the next blog......

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