Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time ......when your havin FUN

You know the saying! This week my maternity leave ends and I head back to work on Monday, March 21st. I have enjoyed spending time with my two girls - watching them laugh and get to know one another day by day. I have enjoyed having yummy homemade dinners with Bob in the evenings once the girls were down (and once we got a working oven). I have enjoyed the one on one time that I was granted to spend with baby Giselle. I have enjoyed watching the different birdies in the back yard along with the squirrels and rabbits. Spring is here!!
Isabella Marie is feeling much better - she has successfully had NO MORE runny pants issues since the juice was completely cut out of her diet. Her nose does not constantly run since she started the allergy syrup and does the steaming treatments. Giselle's toe healed and I am happy to say she SLEPT 8 hours last night - from 8 p.m. to 4:15 a.m.!! Both my girls are happy and healthy - and at the end of the day, that is all a mom can ask for. Love to all of YOU!! We miss you all!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

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