Monday, May 23, 2011

The Playhouse - Part 1

I once had a conversation at work with a girl and it went like this. "Sandy, do you have one of those play sets in your backyard?" Me: No, I will NEVER get one of those. Why would I need that? I can just take my kids to the park. You see those things all the time in people's backyards and you NEVER see kids playing on them.
Now fast forward 6 months. I gave in and bought a play set for Isabella and Giselle.
Amazing how in 6 months time, you eat your words.
Grandpa Dale and Grandma Chug were nice enough to come over on Saturday and begin the construction on this thing they call a "playhouse." No easy task, as it comes in 5 separate boxes and none of the wood pieces are marked. I am almost tempted to write the manufacturer and let them know they need to make their product more efficient by marking each part. I believe it is not putting the playhouse together that takes the longest, it is figuring out which piece is which - especially when there are over 200 pieces!
6 1/2 hours later - here is where we got for the day. The girls are going to be so excited once it is finished! I have to say though, if I am in my 30's and my parents are a little bit older - if I was EXHAUSTED at the end of the day - I can only IMAGINE how they felt! Whew! What a workout! Or maybe it was the workout I had the previous day - ROCKIN the chainsaw!! YEAH!!
In any case, I think this may be a magical surprise once it is assembled. Stay tuned.

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