Tuesday, May 24, 2011


well, wish us luck that tonight goes well. We officially moved baby g out of her cradle and tonight she will sleep in the crib! Which means, Isabella has moved out of the crib and into the "big girl" bed. The last two nights, baby g has been waking up every hour and nothing seems to soothe her. It appears there is not enough room for her to move around in her cradle and that perhaps could be part of her discomfort.
AND we are putting the girls in the SAME ROOM to sleep together. Why not just jump in head first right? Forget the baby steps, were going BIG TIME. We even brought out the gate to put across the stairway since Isabella will be "mobile" now! I hope that everything goes well and Isabella doesn't roam the halls at night or torture baby g.
On another note, I took the girls back to the doctor today because Isabella has been telling me her ear hurts. She was diagnosed by the doctor 2 weeks ago and took antibiotics. Baby g has been coughing like crazy and tugging on her ears. The doc said both girls are fine but perhaps baby g has a bit of a cold.
We came home and all Isabella did was cry that her ear hurts. Errr......

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