Thursday, June 02, 2011

THE Note

Just had a conversation with my sister today and the driving home statement was "enjoy your little ones at the ages they are now" because you can never get that back. My thoughts exactly. Live in the moment. Enjoy all of the laughs, the tears, the smiles, and the hugs!
Then I pulled up to Isabella & Giselle's school and received "the note." It went like this....
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Vail,
I am very proud to say that Isabella has been promoted to room 8. I feel she has learned all she can from me and now it is time for Isabella to be a little more challenged. Her new teacher's name is Ms. Brueggemann.
Isabella will be transitioning with her friends from my class. I am sad to see her leave me, but I am so proud of how smart she has become. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Mr. John or myself.
Thank you so much.
Love, Ms. Maureen

SOMEONE.....PLEASE STOP the fast forward button, I want to slow time down and it is going faster than it used to........

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