Sunday, June 26, 2011

Can You Say WORK OUT for Mommy? and Bella too....

Remember how I posted yesterday that Giselle and Isabella got new wheels and we were going to go for a ride this morning in the forest preserve? Well, after a round of eggs, bacon, potatos, and orange juice, we decided to go for it.
I strapped Isabella in, grabbed her water, a couple of bags of fruit snacks and my tunes with dual speakers.
So we turned up the volume and began our ride. It started out great but turned into a LOT of hills that I was not expecting. Every time I stood up on the bike to conquer the hills (even in LOW speed), Isabella would YELL "Mommy, SIT DOWN!!"
I had NO idea how out of shape I was, until I strapped a cart with a three year old on the back of my bicycle.
But I wasn't going to let that stop me. I kept telling myself, no pain, no gain. My shins were BURNING. I kept asking Isabella if she was having fun and she always replied YES.
About an hour into the ride, she told me she wanted to get out. I WANT OUT MOMMY. So I said, OKAY. I gave her a bottle of water, a bag of fruit snacks and let her run it out next to my bike for a good mile. I thought for sure she would get tired, but she didn't. She was like Forest Gump, she just kept running!
While she wasn't relaxing in her cart, I captured a few photos of her in the wild. We were so HOT when we came home, we just jumped into the pool, clothes and all. Two hours on a bike ride or should I say running (Isabella) will do that to you. We deserved that water slide into the pool......

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